Jan 17, 2023

The price of gas in the U.S. hit record highs during the summer of 2022. Since then, the price has come back down to earth a little bit, but even still, people are trying to do whatever they can to save money on gas these days. If you’re someone who is taking strides to bring your fuel costs down, you might be in the habit of shopping around for gas to help yourself get access to the cheapest fuel possible.

You might also be wondering, “Does my Hyundai need premium gas?” if you’ve been filling your vehicle up with premium gas on a regular basis. The simple act of switching from premium gas to regular gas might be enough to save you a significant amount of money on fuel every time you fill up. But before you stop using it, you should find out the answer to that burning question. Dublin Hyundai is here to help; continue reading to see if buying premium gas really makes a difference.

What’s Premium Gas?

Prior to answering the question, “Does my Hyundai need premium gas?”, we want to make sure that you know what premium gas is. Most people have seen premium gas listed as an option at gas stations, but they aren’t always sure what it is or how it can potentially help some vehicles.

Every type of gas has an octane level. Regular gas has an octane level of 87, while midgrade gas has an octane level of 89. On the other hand, Premium gas has an octane level of either 91 or even 93 (though this is sometimes referred to as super-premium gas). Because it has such a high octane level, premium gas is ideal for any vehicle that has a high-performance engine in it. It’s also good for a lot of older vehicles that have engines that could use some extra TLC.

Does My Hyundai Need Premium Gas?

Now that you have a better idea of what premium gas is, let’s talk about the answer to the question, “Does my Hyundai need premium gas?” After hearing about what premium gas is and what type of vehicle it can help, you might be under the impression that buying it’d be better for your Hyundai. But guess what? In most cases, it’s not.

Putting premium gas into a Hyundai isn’t necessarily going to do any harm to it. But at the same time, it’s also not always going to provide you with the benefits that the owners of other kinds of cars might get. It’s why you’ll want to think twice before investing in premium gas for your Hyundai.

What Will Happen If You Put Premium Gas in a Hyundai?

If you’ve been putting premium gas into your Hyundai for a little while now, you might be freaking out at the moment and wondering if you’ve done damage to your vehicle by doing this. You’ll be happy to hear that there’s very little risk associated with putting premium gas into a Hyundai. Premium gas isn’t going to damage your engine or any of the important components in it.

But with that being said, you should most likely stop putting premium gas into your Hyundai because it’s probably not doing anything more than regular gas would do. As a result, you’re going to be wasting a lot of money by putting premium gas into your Hyundai. You should go back to putting regular gas into your Hyundai unless a technician from a Hyundai dealership has specifically told you otherwise.

How Can You Find Out What Kind of Gas Your Hyundai Needs?

An easy way to figure out what kind of gas you should be putting into your Hyundai is by flipping through the owner’s manual that came with it. Hyundai will provide you with specific instructions on what you should be putting into your car as far as gas is concerned. They’re usually going to suggest that you put regular gas into it as opposed to premium or even midgrade gas.

All vehicles are a little bit different, so just because your Hyundai doesn’t need premium gas doesn’t mean that other Hyundai models won’t need it. It also doesn’t mean that there won’t be Hyundais that will need to rely on premium gas in the not-too-distant future.

You should make it your mission to read through as much of the owner’s manual for your Hyundai as you can. It’ll give you valuable insight into which gas you should be using in your car. It’ll also tell you which type of oil you should put in your vehicle and how often you should perform certain car maintenance steps. Sadly, a lot of people don’t ever get around to reading the owner’s manual for their vehicle, but it could do a lot of good for your car when you read through it.

Contact Us for More Tips on Caring for Your Hyundai

Do you have questions other than just “Does my Hyundai need premium gas?” that you’d like to get answers to? If so, you can count on Dublin Hyundai to provide you with them so that you’re able to maintain your Hyundai to the best of your ability. Our service center is always happy to help you with any questions or concerns you might have about your Hyundai.

At Dublin Hyundai, we also have a wide variety of new and pre-owned Hyundais for you to choose from the next time you need to buy a vehicle. We’ll walk you through some of your best options and tell you about the various Hyundais we have in our inventory. It should make it easy for you to pick one that you’ll love for many years to come. It’ll also make it simpler for you to tackle the maintenance that will need to be done to it.

Reach out to us today to shop for Hyundai vehicles. Our dedicated team is always on hand to help.

gas_pump by Zach Tirrell is licensed with CC BY-SA 2.0